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3d-ai-tv 2024-12-02


The chat segment revolves around Alsara2k announcing a collaboration on AI-3D integration and OKai Agents platform. Boom seeks advice about simplification of his 'JSONLoader' class, which is confirmed by SM Sith Lord as Unity’s way to work with JSON.


  • How can I best contribute or what should be tackled first? (asked by tcm390 (15:37))
  • Is the JSONLoader simplification approach correct for LoadScenePayload and SpeakPayload? (asked by boom(19:21))

Who Helped Who​

  • Boom helped Understanding of Unity's way to work with JSON. with Simplifying the process for loading different payloads by providing SM Sith Lord (19:20)
  • [SM Sith Lord] helped [boom] with Implementing JSONLoader class for managing scenes. by providing Providing guidance on handling scene loading and speaking events without timing logic.
  • [SM Sith Lord (19:28)] helped [boom (19:30) with Successful by providing Implementing TTS for scene loading and speaking lines

Action Items​

Technical Tasks​

  • Collaborate on AI-3D integration (mentioned by Alsara2k (15:19))
  • Implement a new class to manage scene loading, speaking events, and timer logic. (mentioned by [boom])
  • Implement TTS handling for scene loading, speaking lines asynchronously (mentioned by [SM Sith Lord (19:28)])
  • Update textbox when a character speaks and modularize events for clean code structure (mentioned by [boom (19:29, 19:30)])

Documentation Needs​

  • Update documentation for JSONLoader with the latest changes made by [boom]. (mentioned by [SM Sith Lord])

Feature Requests​

  • Integration of OKai Agents with platform (mentioned by Alsara2k( 15 : 19 ))
  • Implement beacon or animation to indicate last speaker and clear previous speakers (mentioned by [SM Sith Lord (19:30)])