agent-dev-school 2024-11-30
The chat segment focused on resolving an environment variable (.env) file being unrecognized in the directory. The solution involved checking git status, ensuring no deletion occurred and creating a new env from example using cp
- Why is my env file not being found in directory? It's there but maybe I am doing something wrong. What should be the solution for this issue? (asked by [POV])
- How to get plugin-image-generation working with Twitter API? Do we need a separate .env file and update OpenAI api key or just add the plugin in our agent's configuration? (asked by [pelpa |])
- Where to include API details if I want to use midjourney with OKai? Is there an alternative like flux or that can be used instead of the non-existent MidJourney API? (asked by [pelpa |])
Who Helped Who​
- [YoungPhlo] helped [POV] with Resolving .env not found issue by providing [ferric |] suggested checking git status and mentioned a possible deletion, then provided command to create new env file from example.
Action Items​
Technical Tasks​
- Check git status to ensure .env file is not deleted (mentioned by [ferric |])
Documentation Needs​
- Run
cp .env.example .env
command to create a new env file from example (mentioned by [YoungPhlo])