agent-dev-school 2024-12-08
The conversation revolves around troubleshooting a specific technical problem (issue #921) related to the bot 'OKai'. Kevin Mok is experiencing difficulties while using '@okai', and st4rgard3n provided guidance on checking API keys, Discord Bot token setup in environment variables, and ensuring correct permissions. The issue remains unresolved.
- Hi, I'm looking for help with issue #921
Stuck querying when @'ing it in Discord
with OKai. (asked by @Kevin Mok)
Who Helped Who​
- @st4rgard3n helped @KevinMok with Troubleshoot issue #921
Stuck querying when @'ing it in Discord
with OKai. by providing st4rgard3n provided troubleshooting steps and asked Kevin Mok to confirm if the bot has correct permissions.
Action Items​
Technical Tasks​
- Investigate issue #921
Stuck querying when @'ing it in Discord
(mentioned by Kevin Mok)
Documentation Needs​
- Review documentation for adding bot to Discord and ensure all steps are followed correctly. (mentioned by st4rgard3n)