π»-coders 2024-12-09
The chat focused on optimizing Telegram integration, retrieving the farcaster cast hash in plugin developments and getting approved reviews for PR merge. There were also discussions about joining core contributors.
- How to get another approved review for PR merge? (asked by @nikita_zhou)
- Agent not responding in version alpha-1? (asked by Oliver | Hats.finance)
- What is the TypeError when starting agent with plugins? How to fix it? (asked by @dotbear89 (02:39, 04:15))
- Where in codebase should I look for farcaster plugin implementation and examples of updating relationships between entities, any fork available? (asked by @YoungPhlo)
- How can I focus on adding new features? What documentation should be reviewed to achieve this goal? (asked by @shaw)
- What is the current workaround for tweet generation without an API, and how does it work with different setups like SQLite or other databases? (asked by @0xn1c0)
- When fine-tuning, how do you handle cookies on a VPS? What provider are you using for the VPS? (asked by @dotbear89)
- (asked by @Zyro)
- How did you do it? Is it in the character file? (asked by [Jo (08:22)])
- What is causing this error? (asked by [Dan69 (08:23)])
Who Helped Whoβ
- @leeren helped [Chat Members] with Optimize for throttling and occasional posting by providing Discussion on TG integration optimization
- @bufan helped [Plugins Developers] with Plugin development by providing Retrieving Farcaster cast hash from action's handler.
- @iBuyRare (03:30) helped @dotbear89 (02:41) with Resolving TypeError when starting an agent by providing iBuyRare helped dotbear89 to run the agent with plugins successfully
- Dolla Llama helped [WAWE] SotoAlt | WAWE (07:36) with Investigate issue with agent posting multiple messages by providing Inquiry about running web client
- @shaw helped @SMA with Codebase improvement by providing Reviewing documentation to focus on adding new features
- @braydie helped @dotbear89 with Tweet Generation Workaround by providing Providing a temporary solution for tweet generation without an API, and discussing its compatibility with different database setups.
- @peachy helped @dotbear89 with by providing Peachy shared their experience with creating mainCharacter.ts file and importing it to index.ti, which helped dotbear89 avoid errors.
- [Peachy (08:26)] helped [iBuyRare] with Troubleshooting by providing Peachy helped iBuyRare with setting up Twitter plugin and suggested asking chatgpt or claude for running error logs.
- [Dolla Llama] helped HoneyPotSmokerπ»βπ―, dotbear89 with Modify Telegram chat prompts by providing Dolla Llama provided information on modifying prompts in post.ts to change AI openers.
- [Jo] helped [iBuyRare] with Update Twitter Agent by providing iBuyRare and Jo discussed updating the Twitter agent to retweet/like posts.
Action Itemsβ
Technical Tasksβ
- Optimize TG integration to handle throttling, occasional posting (mentioned by @leeren)
- Resolve TypeError when starting agent with plugins (mentioned by @dotbear89 (02:39, 04:15))
- Contribute to pyliza project (mentioned by [py16z] safetyBot | πβ (05:16))
- Resolve TypeError related to undefined 'actions' (mentioned by @shaw)
- Investigate plugin configuration issue causing tweet posting failure (mentioned by dotbear89)
- Modify Twitter post template for single statement (mentioned by [Dolla Llama (08:19)])
- Modify AI openers for Telegram chat (mentioned by [HoneyPotSmokerπ»βπ―, dotbear89])
- Integrate Solana with the project, clone packages folder into starter folder. (mentioned by [iBuyRare])
- Create a new custom character with Twitter, Telegram, and Discord clients (mentioned by 0xn1c0)
- Adjust bot permissions in Discord groups for agents (mentioned by @κ§Ninja_Devκ§)
Documentation Needsβ
- Update relationships in codebase for farcaster plugin (mentioned by @braydie (03:44))
- Investigate running web client at localhost:5173/ (mentioned by [0xn1c0] Dolla Llama, [WAWE])
- Create a tutorial on adding OKai plugins to the project setup, based off Peachy's experience with Nader Dabitβs YouTube guide (mentioned by iBuyRare)
- Manually add packages or find an easy way to set them up. (mentioned by [iBuyRare (08:20)])
Feature Requestsβ
- Retrieve Farcaster cast hash from action's handler in plugin development. (mentioned by @bufan)
- Implement API for tweet generation (mentioned by @dotbear89)
- Update Twitter agent to retweet and like posts (mentioned by [Jo])
- Explore Sepolia testnet for Ethereum transactions. (mentioned by [0xn1c0, iBuyRare])
- Enable ETH transfers for the web client feature. (mentioned by 0xn1c0)
- Create an agent that listens to group discussions, codes tasks based on conversations, then submits PRs to GitHub. (mentioned by @james_andrew_)