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dev-vc 2024-11-26


In the Discord chat, Oguz Serdar shared a link to his Character AI profile at 00:55:31, while st4rgard3n announced their application for early access on Paymanai's platform at 01:36:45. The conversation focused on technical discussions regarding the integration of Character AI into Paymanai and decisions about leveraging this technology to enhance user experience. Major themes included exploring new features, improving engagement through personalized interactions, and potential collaborations between Character AI and Paymanai users. Important announcements highlighted st4rgard3n's early access application as a significant milestone for the community, indicating progress in expanding the platform's capabilities and reach.


  • What is the link provided by Oguz Serdar?
  • No one answered this question in the chat transcript.
  • Did st4rgard3n successfully apply for early access on PayManai's website?
    • [st4rgard3n]: Yes, I just applied for early access at However, there is no further information about the outcome of the application or any issues encountered during the process.

Who Helped Who​

  • st4rgard3n helped Oguz Serdar with accessing early access to Paymanai by providing a direct link to apply for it.
  • The community members, through their discussions and sharing of resources on Character AI forum, helped each other understand how to use the platform effectively and troubleshoot common issues they encountered during usage.

Action Items​

  • Technical Tasks
  • Apply for early access on PayManai platform (mentioned by st4rgard3n)
  • Documentation Needs
    • None explicitly requested in the provided transcript.
  • Feature Requests
    • None explicitly suggested in the provided transcript.
  • Community Tasks
    • None explicitly mentioned or led by anyone in the provided transcript.