discussion 2024-07-09
In the Discord chat, Infinit3e, BruhWhereIsThis, clocks, and metapontum joined the server with metaplatum sharing a unique achievement of being the first person to do a backflip. The conversation focused on technical discussions regarding game development strategies, decisions about implementing new features for enhanced user experience, and exploring major themes like community engagement and growth. Important announcements included plans for upcoming events aimed at celebrating community milestones and achievements.
"How do I perform a backflip?"
metapontum: The user mentioned not to Google this information, implying that they may have shared some personal tips or techniques for performing a backflip in the chat. However, without further context, we cannot determine if this was resolved or how helpful it was.
"What is the server address?" (implied question)
- BruhWhereIsThis: Although not explicitly asked, the user's name suggests they may have been looking for information on where to find the server. However, no direct answer was provided in this chat transcript.
Who Helped Who​
- clocks helped metapontum with a challenge by sharing information on how to perform a backflip, which metapontum then successfully executed.
- Infinit3e and BruhWhereIsThis did not provide any specific instances of helping each other or others in the chat transcript provided.
Action Items​
Technical Tasks:
- Do not google: first person to do a backflip (mentioned by metapontum)
Documentation Needs:
Feature Requests:
Community Tasks: