discussion 2024-07-10
In the Discord chat, Shaw shared links to their project status on spatialweeb and GitHub, inviting others for attention and collaboration; Chatgpt_down expressed interest in exploring it further. Later, Shaw posted another link related to AnthropicAI. The server saw new members joining at various times throughout the day: Rihan initially joined, followed by MuserUame, sid, Yosef Frost, and Segitiga.
What is the project Shaw shared in the chat?
Chatgpt_down: The project involves a GitHub repository (https://github.com/jbilcke-hf/clapper) that Shaw finds cool and worth exploring further.
How can someone help give attention to Shaw's project?
- Shaw: By retweeting the links shared in the chat, which direct users to a status update (https://x.com/spatialweeb/status/1811070382994247981) and the GitHub repository for the project.
Who Helped Who​
- Shaw helped Chatgpt_down with gaining attention for a project by sharing links to social media posts and GitHub repository.
- Yosef Frost showed interest in Shaw's work, which could be considered as moral support or encouragement.
Action Items​
- Technical Tasks
- Review and contribute to the project on GitHub at https://github.com/jbilcke-hf/clapper (mentioned by Shaw)
- Community Tasks
- Retweet the project status to give it more attention (requested by Shaw)
- Look into the project in detail (expressed interest by Chatgpt_down)