discussion 2024-07-30
In the Discord chat, Shaw expressed appreciation for the agentic interface's collaborative feel over traditional copy-pasting methods, emphasizing a preference for chain of thought reasoning before executing actions like making pull requests. Despite acknowledging the UI as ideal, Shaw also noted that the underlying code quality remains an issue.
What do you love about the agentic interface?
Shaw: It feels like working with a collaborator instead of just copy-pasting responses, allowing for more chain of thought and reasoning before taking action.
Do you eventually resort to copying and pasting in the agentic interface?
- Clocks: They clarify that they do not simply copy and paste but engage in a process of thinking and reasoning before making changes.
Is there any functionality like pull requests available in the agentic interface?
- Shaw: Yes, the agentic interface has a feature similar to pull requests, which is considered an ideal UI despite some issues with the underlying code.
Who Helped Who​
- Shaw helped Clocks with understanding the agentic interface by explaining how it feels like working with a collaborator instead of just copy and pasting responses.
- Shaw helped Clocks with improving their workflow by suggesting to use pull requests for better chain of thought and reasoning before copying and pasting, indicating that this method is more effective despite acknowledging the code quality issues.
Action Items​
Technical Tasks:
- Improve the underlying code quality of the agentic interface (mentioned by Shaw)
- Documentation Needs:
- No specific documentation needs were requested in this chat excerpt.
- Feature Requests:
- Enhance the chain of thought and reasoning capabilities before making pull requests, as part of improving the UI experience (implied need by Shaw's appreciation for the ideal UI)
- Community Tasks:
- No specific community tasks were mentioned in this chat excerpt.