discussion 2024-09-17
In the Discord chat, noobfire inquired about the origin of okai.mp3, to which shaw responded that it was generated from their agent framework's source code using notebooklm (00:18:41). Shaw provided a link for further reference and clarification on this topic. The key technical discussion revolved around the generation process of okai.mp3 and its connection to the NotebookLM platform, highlighting an important aspect of their agent framework's capabilities.
- Where is the okai.mp3 file from?
- Shaw: The okai.mp3 file is generated from the source code of his agent framework called NotebookLM. He provided a link to access more information on this project (https://notebooklm.google/).
- Did Shaw generate the okai.mp3 himself?
- Shaw: Yes, he did generate the okai.mp3 file using his own agent framework's source code.
Who Helped Who​
- Shaw helped Noobfire with finding information on NotebookLM by providing a link to the source code repository.
- Shaw assisted noobfire in understanding where OKai.mp3 originated from, clarifying it was generated using his agent framework's source code.
Action Items​
- Technical Tasks
- Generate an okai-like mp3 file using the source code of Shaw's agent framework (mentioned by noobfire)
- Documentation Needs
- Provide a link to NotebookLM generated files and explain how they were created (provided by Shaw)