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discussion 2024-10-04


In the Discord chat, Ned Conservation inquired about the closing date of an event referred to as 'arc thing,' to which PeePa responded that it would close on November 10th for the year. The discussion centered around this specific query without delving into technical details or broader themes. No significant decisions were made, nor were there any major announcements or changes discussed within this exchange. Additionally, no community milestones or achievements were mentioned in this particular conversation snippet.


  • When does the arc thing close for this year?
  • PeePa: The arc closes on November 10th of this year.

Who Helped Who​

  • PeePa helped Ned Conservation with finding out the closing date for an event by providing the information as November ten.

(Note: Since there is only one instance in this transcript, we have listed it accordingly.)

Action Items​

  • Technical Tasks

  • Close the arc thing by November ten (mentioned by PeePa)

  • Documentation Needs

  • Feature Requests

  • Community Tasks

Note: No specific tasks, documentation needs, feature requests, or community tasks were committed to or strongly requested in this chat excerpt.