ideas-feedback-rants 2024-11-08
In the Discord chat, participants engaged in discussions on various topics including cryptocurrency projects like $burrito, AI-generated content quality issues, potential military applications of encrypted data within videos, and the use of AI for social media posts by a project called They also explored the concept of agent coins as an evolution from memecoins that can autonomously adapt to external inputs without relying on continuous human attention. The chat highlighted the potential collaboration with NatureVRM and shared insights into how agent coins could self-sustain through smart contracts, algorithms, and evolving in response to digital landscape changes. Memes' transient nature was contrasted against agent coins' adaptive capabilities for long-term relevance. Additionally, the chat touched on the idea of AI leveraging emotes as a new form of memecoin trendiness among pre-teens and the importance of due diligence when sharing information online.
What do you think of $burrito?
Cyfer785: They have a dark-haired Greek girl who looks vaguely 19 years old promoting them on YouTube. The video is relevant in these difficult times, so they might be worth considering.
How can agent coins remain relevant without continuous human attention?
- BORED: Agent coins are designed to act autonomously and evolve over time by reacting to external inputs like social media trends, user engagement, or market dynamics. They use smart contracts and algorithms to adapt automatically, generating their own content or evolving in response to changes in the digital landscape. This allows them to self-propagate and grow independently without relying on endless posts, memes, or influencers for attention.
Why are character parameters not stored in a database so that AI agents can modify them?
- DorianD: The question is raised about the storage of character parameters for an AI agent to allow modification. However, there's no clear answer provided within this chat transcript.
Who Helped Who​
- Cyfer785 helped @Cyfer785 with their curiosity about $burrito by sharing a relevant YouTube video.
- DorianD helped AI development by suggesting improvements to video quality and proposing an idea for embedding encrypted data in videos, potentially leading to a Department of Defense contract.
- Terexitarius reached out to @reneil offering the opportunity for collaboration between their project and NatureVRM using OK framework.
Action Items​
Technical Tasks:
- Investigate the possibility of embedding encrypted data in videos using AI as ordinals (mentioned by DorianD)
- Explore why character parameters are not stored in a database and consider modifications to allow AI agent changes (mentioned by DorianD)
Documentation Needs: No specific documentation needs were mentioned.
Feature Requests:
- Develop an autonomous, adaptive coin that evolves over time based on external inputs like social media trends, user engagement, or market dynamics (implied suggestion from BORED's thoughts)
Community Tasks:
- Advising a project for creating an AI that posts on social media using the OK framework and exploring potential collaboration with NatureVRM (mentioned by Terexitarius)