ideas-feedback-rants 2024-12-02
The chat segment revolves around a professional artist, Mandy Arts introducing herself and her work. The main technical discussions involve @S4ilor seeking help with connecting/logging into their wallet to prove ownership of it for others in the community like DorianD.
- Can I connect/log-in using my wallet? How can I prove ownership of the walchet to @DorianD and others? (asked by @S4ilor)
- (asked by )
- What is the status of dabit3? (asked by @kellykellz)
Who Helped Who​
- @S4ilor helped All members interested in the discussion. with Proving Wallet Ownership by providing @DorianD provided a link to an arXiv paper that might help with proving wallet ownership.
Action Items​
Technical Tasks​
- Investigate connection issues with wallet (mentioned by @S4ilor)
Documentation Needs​
- Review and update documentation for proving ownership of the wallet. (mentioned by )