ideas-feedback-rants 2024-12-07
The chat segment revolves around the idea of expanding okcashpro integration across different blockchain chains. MasterRoshi suggests exploring smaller Layer 1 (L1) and Layer 2 (L2) networks, potentially leveraging contacts within these communities for partnerships or grants to fund expansion efforts.
Who Helped Who​
- @MasterRoshi (17:43) helped with Exploring potential partnerships and funding opportunities for expansion. by providing Discussion on okcashpro integration across different chains
Action Items​
Technical Tasks​
- Explore potential partnerships with smaller L1's and L2's for okcashpro integration (mentioned by @MasterRoshi (17:43))
Documentation Needs​
- Investigate grant opportunities to fund the expansion of okcashpro across different chains. (mentioned by @May's Bot (20:57))