ideas-feedback-rants 2024-12-09
HomeAI is a smart home management POC leveraging the OKai framework for an AI agent, Flask backend API to handle device control commands, web interface with AJAX-based RESTful communication, and Android app using Toast notifications. The project focuses on multi-platform support, intelligent decision making through modular design of the system components.
- Can you integrate real-world AI models with the OKai framework? How does it enhance decision making? (asked by [username])
- Are you building this HomeAI system yourself or using a team of developers? (asked by whobody)
Who Helped Who​
- ʙᴇᴀʀ (03:38) helped whobody with Clarifying HomeAI system development process and team involvement by providing [username] provided information about integrating real-world AI models with the OKai framework for enhanced device management.
Action Items​
Technical Tasks​
- Integrate real-world AI models with OKai framework for enhanced decision making (mentioned by [Username])
Documentation Needs​
- Implement RESTful API endpoints in Flask backend to handle device control commands and AI integration. (mentioned by [Username])