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memes-and-marketing 2024-11-14


In the provided chat excerpt, participants engaged in discussions related to marketing memes with a focus on creating an animated version of OKai from GitHub repository ''. The team considered updating LinkedIn profiles and discussed the potential for a new preview card featuring OKai. A humorous exchange about driving backwards led to laughter, while DorianD reminded everyone to update their professional online presence. Jin proposed an official position of Director of Memetic Warfare with Trump memes, which was met with amusement. The community celebrated the quality of work on 'bord.eth' and shared a link featuring OKai in a meme format from Tenor. Knockerton welcomed everyone to continue building together, marking a milestone for the group's collaborative spirit.


  • When did astrid animate the meme from the repository?

  • Astrid (13:13:12): She mentioned taking one from the repo and animating her a little at this time, indicating she started working on the animation then.

  • Who suggested creating a new preview card for OKai?

    • Jin (18:30:54): Jin proposed doing a new preview card for OKai in the conversation thread.
  • What was DorianD's advice regarding LinkedIn profiles?

    • DorianD (16:27:21): He reminded everyone not to forget to update their LinkedIn profiles, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a professional online presence alongside their creative projects.

Who Helped Who​

  • astrid helped OKai with animation by animating her a little, as mentioned in their conversation.
  • Bevy offered to work on getting an updated file for OKai after acknowledging Elijah's comment about her looking sick and having a tough day.
  • Jin suggested creating a new preview card for OKai, which could be considered help towards improving the presentation or visibility of OKai.

Action Items​

- Technical Tasks
- Animate OKai character from the repo (mentioned by astrid)
- Update LinkedIn profiles with new project details (reminder by DorianD)
- Replace all instances of 'OK' in documentation and codebase (requested by H.D.P.)
- Documentation Needs
- No specific documentation needs were mentioned explicitly, but updating LinkedIn could imply a need for updated professional profiles as part of the project documentation.
- Feature Requests
- Create a new preview card for OKai character (suggested by jin)
- Develop an OKai version with Trump meme integration (jokingly suggested by whobody, but could be considered for community engagement purposes)
- Community Tasks
- Welcome and build everyone into the project (led by Knockerton)