memes-and-marketing 2024-12-09
. On Arbitrum platform, Rick shared the first-ever transaction executed by an AI agent without using any fixed commands. This significant milestone was discussed in detail within the community (06:12). Additionally, PLTAYER169078324 offered to create videos for store updates whenever there are changes or additions made.
- What's going on with tomgoodboy and waifusdao? (04:41) (asked by @mqxon | moniπ§)
- Can anyone help me confirm if the CA for buying project X tokens is real or a scam? (asked by @kbmr_igπΆ)
- I'd like to get more feedback from Ai community, any suggestions? (@razzzz) (asked by @whobody (06:13))
Who Helped Whoβ
- @Rick helped [Discord community] with Technical discussion and sharing of significant milestone in the project. by providing Rick shared a tweet about the first-ever transaction executed by an AI agent on Arbitrum (06:12).
- @ππ©ππ±π helped [Discord community] with Offered to help with marketing and store updates. by providing PLTAYER169078324 offered to create videos for store updates (16:05).
Action Itemsβ
Technical Tasksβ
- Enroll beta for AI agent executing transactions on Arbitrum without fixed commands (mentioned by @Rick)
- Create video updates every time the store is updated by @PLTAYER169078324 (mentioned by @whobody)
Feature Requestsβ
- Investigate and confirm the authenticity of CA for buying project X tokens, as requested by @kbmr_igπΆ (mentioned by @Rick)