twitter 2024-11-08
In the Discord chat, Rick shared three tweets from RodrigoSotoAlt, deniz_ekz, and satoshilineage discussing various blockchain-related topics such as a new project launch by WAWE, an update on Deniz's participation in the arena, and Satoshi Lineage's recent activities. The Prophet linked to a Reddit post about Blockchain Startups, while cwoobrah asked Deniz if he would join Racer in the arena, which Deniz confirmed his interest in doing so. Rick then shared another tweet from exe_plata93 discussing an unspecified topic related to blockchain technology. The chat focused on technical discussions and decisions within the blockchain community, with major themes including project launches, arena participation, and updates on recent activities in the field.
- What is the link to a Reddit post related to Blockchain Startups?
- The Prophet: Provided a direct link to a relevant Reddit post on the r/BlockchainStartups subreddit.
- Are you planning to participate in an arena event with racer, Deniz?
- cwoobrah asked this question and Deniz responded affirmatively, indicating his interest in joining the event.
Who Helped Who​
- Rick helped SotoAlt with sharing a tweet by retweeting it to his followers.
- Deniz helped cwoobrah with engaging in conversation by responding positively to their question.
- Exe_plata93 helped The Prophet with spreading information by retweeting the Reddit link to their Twitter audience.
Action Items​
Technical Tasks:
- Integrate Race Arena feature into the platform (implied commitment from Deniz) Documentation Needs: Feature Requests: Community Tasks:
- Engage with community on Reddit regarding BlockchainStartups (shared by The Prophet)