twitter 2024-11-11
In the Discord chat, participants shared various tweets related to OK developments, including a raid announcement by @The Prophet, an update on Twitter lists from @Deniz, and a link to OK intern's following list for further information. Key discussions focused on technical decisions, major themes, important announcements or changes, and community milestones or achievements within the OK project.
- What is the significance of OK's developments?
- [mqxon | moniπ§]: They are interested in learning more about OK's work through Twitter lists shared by people who write about their developments.
- Who can share a Twitter list with content related to OK and its developments?
- [coinwitch (OK intern)]: They provided a link to their following list as a good starting point for those interested in OK's work.
Who Helped Whoβ
- @shawmakesmagic helped Rick with a raid by sharing information on Twitter.
- @deniz_ekz helped Rick twice, firstly by tweeting about an event and secondly by providing additional details or updates related to that event.
- @TrustlessTooth helped Rick by sharing relevant information regarding the topic of discussion on Twitter.
- @bossu_online helped Rick with a link to TikTok content that might be useful for his query.
- coinwitch (OK intern) helped mqxon | moniπ§ by providing a list of their Twitter followings, which could include individuals writing about OK and its developments.
Action Itemsβ
- Technical Tasks
- Share Twitter list with people writing about OK and their developments (requested by mqxon | moniπ§)
- Documentation Needs
- No specific documentation needs were mentioned in the chat transcript.
- Feature Requests
- No specific feature requests were mentioned in the chat transcript.
- Community Tasks
- Raid (mentioned by @Deniz)